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In today's digital landscape, visual storytelling plays a pivotal role in establishing a brand's online presence. Our recent collaboration with a discerning client presented a unique challenge and an exciting opportunity – to create Instagram highlights that seamlessly integrated with the distinct style of their brand and website.

Client Need:
The client required Instagram highlights aligned with the brand's website style.

What We Did:
Utilizing CorelDraw, we crafted story templates that seamlessly echoed the icons featured on the client's website.

The Instagram highlights not only capture attention but also harmonize perfectly with the brand's aesthetic.

Unique in this case

  • A unique design has been developed
  • Increased brand awareness

Alternatives, why was this solution chosen?

We could have tried using Photoshop for development, but we decided to use CorelDraw since it has more functions for this case.

The Benefits

We created icons for Instagram that are organically integrated with the brand’s style.

What Was Done?

Using the CorelDraw, we created icons that perfectly suit the client's requirements.


Increased attention to the brand and improved design.

Regular price $75
Regular price Sale price $75
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.

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