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In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, efficiency is key. Our recent collaboration with a client presented us with a fascinating challenge: they needed a solution to manage orders from two distinct Shopify stores, all while streamlining inventory management through their ERP warehouse system.

Our client wanted to utilize the Baselinker service to manage orders from two separate Shopify stores while having their inventory data sourced from the ERP warehouse system.

What We Did:
We synchronized product catalogs from both Shopify stores with the Baselinker catalog.
Configured the retrieval of inventory levels from the ERP system within Baselinker.
Set up the transfer of product inventory levels from Baselinker to each Shopify store.
Established order synchronization between the two Shopify stores and Baselinker, as well as with the shipping service.

Our client now leverages Baselinker as an order aggregator for both of their Shopify stores, allowing their managers to process all orders seamlessly in one stream. Inventory levels are sourced from a unified catalog within the ERP warehouse system and synchronized with inventory levels across different Shopify stores. Additionally, order and delivery statuses are now seamlessly synchronized.
Need to synchronize product catalogs from multiple stores within a single ERP warehouse system? We're here to help!

Unique in this case

  • Different stores are connected to the Baselinker system
  • Synchronization of orders and product balances between two stores has been configured

Alternatives, why was this solution chosen?

The Shopify app store has various apps for managing orders and inventory, but the apps we reviewed were not suitable for our requirements.

The Benefits

The site implements the latest and most advanced technology for order management and product synchronization using Baselinker.

What Was Done?

We set up receiving data from different Shopify stores in Baselinker and set up their synchronization.


The site is configured with integration with Baselinker, which allows you to manage orders in different Shopify stores and synchronize them.

Regular price $1,400
Regular price Sale price $1,400
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.

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